If it is decent, I vote 5 and overall 10. Good movie, little weird though...
If it is decent, I vote 5 and overall 10. Good movie, little weird though...
Actaully, I barely saw the movie, but I voted 5 and copied the last guys review.
Room for improvement, though.
WOW! Another crappy movie! And by the way you said your other movie was better then mine.
What the fuck? My movies are crap? They got a much better score then yours, it was longer and better, and atleast it had motion tweens!
You sir, are quite demented.
I belive that u r the demented one dumbfuck and o yeh urs has a lower score
W00t, that just owned. Hand drawn, and still as funny, but could have been funnier.
Nothing can beat the origanial 8-Bit. ^_^
Er...why did this get through the portal again?
Uhh..i dunno cause its unexpectadly funny and had a score above 1.5 after 100 votes, better then ur crap for a note
Dude, you own at every remaking of characters. It's too bad most authors never respond to reviews, espescailly popular authors.
Pretty damn good
Haha, the best one drawn was Ash and Pikachu, it was the best copy of them I've seen since.
Damn, that was a funny movie, I've seen this like 6 months ago, though.
Uh...ya, that pretty much would have been a pretty good movie, if you haden't of put that in the end, I wouldn't have reviewed it 0.
I still voted 5 cause its getting past the portal.
how nice
y helo thar buttsecks? I was 12 when I submitted NG Guardian, Fei Long VS. Strawberry(?), Ultimate Cheeseburger, and Addicted. Best pop rank on 6/28: #76 I feel it is my duty to state that even though there is no popular rank anymore.
Age 34
RM2K Flash Blizzard
Europe XD
Joined on 12/23/02