That was pretty damn good.
I would love to know if you do frame-by-frame or some 3-d art program. Frame-by-frame, right, right?
Anyway, some suggestions:
Smoothness - This really counts towards the final product, although your movie was smooth, but could have been smoother.
Longer - Having it long is always good, my normal movies are about 5000, give or take a hundred.
Music - Always have music change, like where sad scenes ARE ACTUALLY SAD. (I've seen sad scenes, but the hero just is like "Boohoo, Sammy why did you die" then moves on after saying that)
3-D - A little 3-D makes your movie less linear. Like, just adding little scenes where it rotates a little makes a big difference.
Cool Things - Things like where you hear a low vioce say "Level Up" and you see the hero gain something new, like a cool hair style, taller, different color, new acessory(armor, weapon).
Comedy - ALWAYS have comedy, like in Conter Stick, have them talk a little but not a lot, it drowns your story with bordem.
Quality - You seem to have it nailed, always have the same quality through out. I've seen movies where some guy just puts in random flame.gifs.
Magic - No, not like dbz. You can have like enemys die and have their soul come out of their body to fight for them. Or guns that shoot Ice, Lightning, Fire, ect. You know, that kind of stuff. Don't over do it by having them fly all around the place.
Most of all, if you can compare it to Xiao Xiao, then it's going to get a good score.
Good luck, hope that helped, or if your almost finished it probably was just for future reference.
Most of all, I'd like you to tell me how you did all that ^^.